New Delhi: In a case of honour killing, a 24-year-old teacher was killed allegedly by her mother and brother after she refused to stay with her husband and wanted to marry her lover, an engineer, who is from another caste. The incident was reported from Kanjhawla area of Delhi and the deceased has been identified as Deepti Chikara.
The teacher was pressured into a marriage in January but had returned to her house and was staying with her parents. Her family was putting pressure on her for marriage but she had rejected two men earlier and she told her mother about her relationship with an engineer who was from a different caste.
Her family rejected this and forcefully got her married in January but soon after her marriage, she returned to her house and started staying with her parents.
She was in touch with the engineer after her return from her husband’s house.
In April third week, she went missing but family did not file any complaint with police.
Her boyfriend later wrote an email to Delhi Police following which investigation was initiated.
During investigations, it came to light that she was strangled allegedly by her bother, mother and uncle, a senior police official said.
Her brother Mohit and mother Veermati were interrogated and they confessed to the crime, the official claimed. They allegedly dumped the body in Rourkee.
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