Stylish Star Allu Arjun is going to face the litmus test with Julayi. The actor has been due for a hit for so long and it is high time for him to deliver the goods. With the other two mega heroes setting the box office on fire, Arjun needs to show his capabilities to the fans. Or else he may get sidelined pretty soon.
Allu Arjun has proved to be an actor of certain commercial range. He falls in the 25 crore rupees zone. His hit films tend to collect that much from the theatrical business. Arjun needs to better that now with Julayi. Why because this is the time where films are easily crossing Rs. 40 crore mark with average content.
The business range of a Telugu superstar's film has definitely gone up. So whoever that can't do wonders at the box office cannot break into the big league. Julayi is ought to get a wide release and we have to see if Allu Arjun could topple any existing records with it. Most importantly we have to find out if Allu Arjun has the stamina to compete with the current top 4 heroes or not.
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