CBI joint director Lakshminarayana is currently investigating several sensitive cases in the country like Jagan's illegal assets, Obulapuram Mining scam and Emaar scam. He is widely appreciated for the better handling of cases related to some of the biggest scams in India.
As per the official sources, Lakshminarayana will be leaving to abroad soon and this tour will last for at least two weeks. Whenever a top politician or government official leave for a foreign country, speculations would be making rounds that they are doing so to collect the money bags from the people who had received favors from them in the past and the ones who are going to get benefits from them in future or to save their ill-gotten money in swiss banks.
However, the reasons behind Lakshminarayana's foreign tour were completely different and it has no connection with money transactions whatsoever. He is going to represent the country on behalf of Central Bureau Of Investigation at the international summit in South Africa. As the investigation of the cases he has been handling are yet to be completed, all eyes will be on JD Lakshminarayana wherever he goes. And yes, he is no less than a celebrity now!
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