Actress Meera Nandan, the Malayalai girl who was last seen in films like ‘Seniors’ and ‘Venshankhupol’ has signed a film in Telugu opposite Jithan Ramesh. This would be her second Telugu film. Meera has already done a Telugu film titled ‘Jai Bolo Telungana’ in 2010, along with Jagapathi Babu.
Meera who has been quite popular on the small screen as a television anchor was introduced to the big screen by director Lal Jose through the film ‘Mulla’ in which she was paired with actor Dileep. She had then done quite a few films in Malayalam like ‘Currency’, ‘Puthiya Mukham’, ‘Kerala Cafe’, ‘Oridathoru Postman’ and so on.
She also made her debut in Tamil films with ‘Valmiki’, and was seen in films like ‘Ayyanar’. ‘Kadhalukku Maranamillai’ and ‘Suriya Nagaram’ are the Tamil films that she is currently busy with. In Malayalam, she will soon have a release as well, as ‘Mallu Singh’ her film with Unni Mukundan directed by Vaishakh gets ready to hit the screens.
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