As many opine, censor board is turning out to be most fickle scrutiny committee these days.Top stars such as Mahesh Babu raised their hands in despair after failing to understand the guidelines put by committee.It is said that censor board imposes cuts just based on the discretion but not considering any rulebook.Recent Manchu Manoj's Mr.Nokayya exemplifies that fact.Right from the start of the movie, movie is full of sleazy dialogues, obscene scenes and gory action sequences.
Scenes such as Manoj and Sana Khan go on a bumpy ride in the car(changing gears dialogue), Manoj describing the Ahuti Prasad's obscene activities and Manoj taking class to Sana Khan about her bi** acts simply suggest the fact that censor board rubs their hands by awarding A certificate, which is just namesake these days.Awarding a A certificate doesnt mean, movie can creep to any levels of indecency and obscenity.Just in the name of Mass appeal, movie should not stoop to new lows.In a single word, director managed to justify the title with 'Boothu Panchangam' rather than the content.

"Movie is out-rightly nonsense,Language used by hero is 100% disgusting.Atleast in recent past, i have never seen such sleazy low content in any top heroes' movies.Many words have somehow escaped the censor scissor.Post Mr Nookayya it is high time for censor board to introspect its working mechanism." said a cingoer.Atleast now censor board should wakeup to the situation and act responsible in keeping a check to such irresponsible and irregular content from amateur directors.
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