shriya Saran acted in a Malayalam film called ‘Pokkiri Raja’ starring Mammootty and Prithviraj released long ago. Now, the same is getting dubbed into Tamil with theatrical release planned as ‘Raja Pokkiri Raja.’ Having known this, shriya filed a case with Nadigar Sangam (South Indian Cine Artistes Association) accusing the native Malayalam producer Thomas Antony for breaching the agreement which says that he can’t release the same in Tamil as a dubbed version without her consent.
shriya’s case is pretty relevant because her face sells more in Tamil and the remuneration paid by producer is valid only for Malayalam version. Malaysia Pandyan, the man releasing Tamil version said of taking a legal action against all those who are trying to block the release of his film. In same force, he filed case against shriya in Chamber. shriya says, ‘Why should I be apprehensive because my fight is against Thomas Antony and not on those who are unknown to me.’
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