Bollywood actor Shriya Saran is gearing up for her next release 'Gali Gali Chor Hai'. Apparently, the film is based on the corruption issue brought forward by social activist Anna Hazare. However, the 'Awaarapan' actor has clarified that the filmmakers of her upcoming movie are not using Anna as a tool to garner publicity for their film. The film's entire cast arranged a special screening of the film at Anna Hazare's hometown, Ralegaon Siddhi.
Meanwhile, Anna also appreciated film's team efforts and recommended audience to watch it. Apparently, after a three year hiatus Shriya is now making a re-entry in Bollywood through this film. Shriya plays a role of teacher in the film. The film based on political satire also features Akshaye Khanna, model turned actor Mugdha Godse and is about to hit the silver screens by this Friday.
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