Reportedly, Bollywood actor Ayesha Takia and Liquor baron Vijay Mallya's son Siddharth Mallya were at loggerheads after a war of words on micro-blogging site Twitter. Apparently, Vijay Mallya has now taken an initiative to look on the matter and has apologized publicly to Takia's sister Natasha. 'My personal apologies 2 Natasha Ayesha Takia's sister if she was disappointed with our service. Will have her allegations fully investigated,' posted Mallya on his Twitter page.
The tweet definitely gave a sigh of relief to actor Ayesha Takia. Reverting to the tweet, the 'Wanted' actor tweeted, 'I just read the tweet from Mr. vijay mallya. I appreciate the response and hope the matter is seriously looked into and dealt with.' Reportedly, Ayesha’s sister witnessed misconduct to her by Kingfisher Airlines staff and Ayesha expressed her displeasure towards KFA through her tweets.
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