One of the talented actors Sridhar who is more progressive in Bharathanatyam with his charming wife Smt Anuradha is rarely seen on Kannada screen. He is very busy in dance field. Sridhar from the days of ‘Amrutha Ghalige’ has acted in many meaningful films like ‘Sundara Swapnagalu, Bombat Hendthi, Santha Shishunala Sharief, Bannada Vesha, Mangalya, Brahma Gantu, Kolluru Sri Mookambika etc. He is considered as the permanent ‘Shiva’ on Kannada screen.
Sridhar a humble, simple and well informed actor met with an accident recently at Mala Mahedeshwara Hill while shooting for the climax for ‘Kamsale Kaisale’. He received injuries and had four stitched on one side of his body. The team of Kamsale Kaisale was depressed with this injury to Sridhar who is the main focus for the climax song.
By god’s grace I could come back to shoot and I was much worried about the shooting than my injury. So many people were waiting for me to return recalled Sridhar in his address.
Sridhar lauding the brilliance of TS Nagabharana said his films uphold the land, culture and passes a message. From the days of Asphota I am working with TSN. In this Kamsale Kaisale – Kamsale the folk art is utilized as a metaphor. In the ‘Pakashale’ of TSN the film well trained students for two months have acted and they remained so perfect in their appearances.
In the losing values of life the children are becoming mechanical dolls. The children are fed only text books knowledge. The spiritual and extracurricular to lead the life is not taught. Over all the film ‘Kamsale Kaisale’ remains in the memory. I have seen a new youngster Pannagabharana growing from this film as a good technician. He has a bright future ahead says Sridhar the pride of Karnataka.
For the audio release of 'Kamsale Kaisale' Smt Anuradha Sridhar was also present at Green House Raj Milan on Wednesday.
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