Filmmaker Sanjay Gupta is miffed by rumors doing round that he had approached South star Asin Thottumkal for his forthcoming flick 'Shootout At Wadala' and Asin apparently, turned down the director. This news is indigestible to Gupta, who has now come out to clear the air. Gupta has admitted that he had never approached Asin for his film. Gupta even added that his first choice was actor Vidya Balan and he wrote the role keeping 'The Dirty Picture' actor in mind.
However, after Vidya turned down the role, Sanjay jointly made a decision with producer Ekta Kapoor to cast actor Kangna Ranaut. Gupta admitted that even Ekta never approached Asin for the role; they only had two names in their minds that were of Vidya and Kangna. Apparently, Kangana has bagged the role in the film that is a sequel to Gupta's 'Shootout At Lokhandwala' which also features John Abraham, Anil Kapoor and Tusshar Kapoor.
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