After the break up with actress wife Shruthi in the family court the humble director S Mahender marries again a village girl Yashodha a student of MA Economics at a temple in Mysore on 3rd February 2012. S Mahender confirmed the news and said he would give more information after reaching Bengaluru. S Mahender was in Mysore when the contact was made.
After divorce application filed by Shruthi in 2009, director of eminence S Mahender was hit by bad luck. It cast a dark shadow in the life of Shruthi. For divorcing husband
Shruthi lost a plum position in the BJP ruled government. S Mahender also in the same party had to keep mum on the issue.
The final good bye to 13 years relationship at last separated the ‘Ghattimela’ (Shruthi and Mahender acted cinema) broke down.
‘My family members permitted me for this second marriage. My loneliness was difficult for them to digest’. Yashodha is a distant relative. We should face the life as it comes. No one can escape it. I went with family members to the temple and exchanged garland and married Yashodha reacts S Mahender.
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