Last time it was film 'Hum Kisise Kam Nahi' that featured actors Sanjay Dutt and Amitabh Bachchan together onscreen and this time it is filmmaker Ramgopal Verma's forthcoming flick, 'Department' that would be responsible for the two actors to again share the screen space. However, this time they may not be seen in a single frame together. 'Department' being an action film would witness Big B and Sanju Baba essaying a role of cop. Meanwhile, Big B's son-actor Abhishek Bachchan and south superstar Rana Daggubatti would also be playing a crucial role in the film.
The film would be directed by K.S. Ravi Kumar. South filmmaker Kumar who has earlier worked with superstars like Rajnikanth and Kamal Hassan would mark his directorial debut through RGV's upcoming production venture. The film is expected to go on the floors soon.
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