Veteran actor turned filmmaker Pankaj Kapur is the latest addition to the star cast of Vishal Bharadwaj forthcoming project 'Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola'. The yesteryear actor would join veterans like Shabana Azmi and Naseeruddin Shah along with Anushka Sharma and Imran Khan for Bharadwaj's next. Meanwhile, Shabana Azmi is one actor who is amazed on a reunion with Pankaj Kapur, as the veteran stars have earlier featured together in 'Ek Doctor Ki Maut' and 'Mandi'.
Shabana who was recently conferred the title of Padma Bhushan by the Government of India is looking forward to work with her former co-star. Shabana has earlier worked with Vishal Bharadwaj in his debut directorial venture 'Makdee' in which she essayed the role of a witch. Speaking about Pankaj Kapur, the 'Arth' actor admitted that she has watched and liked Pankaj's debut directorial venture 'Mausam' that featured his actor-son Shahid Kapur.
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