Kovur is going to be the most crucial and most prestigious spot in the upcoming BY-Elections for TDP and YSR Congress parties. It is well known that Ex-MLA Nallapureddy Prasanna Kumar who won the 2009 election as a TDP MLA in Kovur later changed the side to YSR Congress party after its formation. Now Kovur became the hot spot for TDP and YSR Congress Party. Both these parties are perfectly confident about their victory in Kovur in the upcoming By-Elections.
TDP is supporting its side by saying that the Kovur people won't support a corrupted party like YSR Congress and hence TDP is confident to mark its victory in Kovur. On the other hand, YSR Congress Party leaders are saying that there won't be any election in Kovur and Nallapureddy
Prasanna Kumar is the direct winner. YSR Congress Party is stating that Kovur people are not discussing much on the upcoming elections but they are discussing about the majority Prasanna Kumar will achieve in upcoming By-Elections.
These over confident statements of YSR Congress Party leaders are being over ruled by the analysts and the reports are revealing that there will be a tough competition between TDP and YSR Congres Party in the upcoming By-Elections. A tough cold war is expected to be encountered in between YSR Congress Party and TDP in the upcoming By-Elections. Stay tuned to know the latest updates.
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