Releasing in 180 theatres plus Darshan starring ‘Chingari’ is writing new box office records? It seems no. The collection report published in the ads say Rs.6 crores, 7 lakhs and Rs.60000 in first week. When Paramathma of power star Puneeth Rajkumar and Yogaraj Bhat combination released it was stated that the collection of ‘Paramathma’ in one week is Rs.9 crores is the highest so far claimed producer Jayanna and Bogendra.
In thirteen days Darshan film ‘Sarathi’ has collected over Rs.11 crores is something stupendous news in the box office in the last year.
How can the old records are forgotten when collections for the films are written? As a matter of fact ‘Paramathma’ was released in 135 theatres collected Rs.9 crores in first week. Whereas ‘Chingari’ from 180 plus theatres collecting Rs.6.76 crores is a poor record.
Why compare to ‘Paramathma’? Compared to Darshan earlier release ‘Sarathi’ the ‘Chingari’ collection is down. ‘Sarathi’ was released in 142 theatres and it collected Rs.12 crores in two weeks. Whereas ‘Chingari’ releasing in 180 plus theatres it is Rs.6.76 crores!
There should be sense in putting up record breaking collections.
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