Naga Chaitnaya and Samantha starer new film Autonagar Surya under the direction of Deva Katta is in shooting phase. Now film unit planned to start new schedule from 27th February in Hyderabad, where unit will shoot few action scenes on lead cast.
Auto Nagar Surya film is an action movie set in the backdrop of trade unions in Vijayawada. This film is about a ‘nobody’ who grows into everybody’s identity. Miss India contest finalist Rakul Preet Singh has been roped to play second female lead role in this movie. Ashish Vidyarthi, Jaya Prakash Reddy, Jeeva will essay other prominent roles in the movie.
Sirivennela Seetharama Sastry is penning the lyrics, Anup Rubens is scoring the music, Dharmendra Kakarla is the editor and Srikanth Naroj is the cinematographer. The movie is being produced by K.Achi Reddy under the banner of Max India Productions while R.R.Movie Makers will present the film.
Autonagar Surya will hit the big-screens in the early summer of 2012.
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