With studious approach and workaholic nature director S Narayan is all set to place ‘Munjane’ his home banner film before the censor board and making preparations for release on March 2. Golden star Ganesh and Manjari Phadnis are teamed in this family entertainer.
The Kannada film ‘Munjane’ songs are making good news in the industry. To show it visually for the media S Narayan arranged for a screening of songs on Saturday evening at Renukamba Digital studio in Malleswaram Bengaluru.
The film is all about mind and mindset among the characters in the film. Every character will be carrying suspense but audience will be getting a different feel says Narayan addressing the media. For two songs we have worked for 60 days. The new camera was bought from Mumbai for this purpose and the ten thousand frame slow motion technique is used. 70 technicians have worked for this film explained S Narayan.
The suspense in the characters is carried out till the last frame and Ganesh has given underplay to his role. Knowing the performance on screen I felt I should have given more challenging role to Ganesh. For re-recording 42 days is spent as in many places the music speaks.
Golden star Ganesh in the role of Manu Murthy role says the feel for performers is different and for viewers it something engaging. This will be a good family entertainer. There is joy in dialogues and single line punches are part of this film stated Ganesh.
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