Suriya and Kajal Agarwal starrer Maatran, a Tamil film is titled as Duplicate in Telugu and leading producer Bellamkonda Suresh has traded its distribution rights in Telugu for a whopping price.
Duplicate is the combo of Suriya and K.V.Anand that is expected to be released in this June. Suriya will be seen in different look in the film. Duplicate marks the first pairing of Suriya and Kajal Agarwal for a film.
Duplicate being produced on a lavish scale is an action thriller taking shape in the hands of director K.V.Anand. The film showcases Suriya and Kajal Agarwal shaking legs for the tunes composed by Harris Jayraj and Isha Sherwani in a special number. Editing is being handled by Anthony Gonsalvez and cinematography by S.Sounder Rajan.
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