Satish Vegesna's 'Kullu Manali' movie audio was released yesterday at Prasad labs in Hyderabad. Under the banner Jahnavi productions Boppana Chandra shekar is producing this movie. Sri Vasanth composed the music for this movie.
The first Audio CD was released by Allari Naresh and handed over to Producer Daamu. Movie trailers were revealed by R P Patnaik, Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao and Harish Shankar. Allari Naresh, Nani, Taneesh, Daamu, Devi prasad, Archana, Uday Kiran, R P Patnaik, Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao, Harish Shankar and others were present at the event.
Addressing the media director Satish Vegesna said that "Kullu Manali is a suspense thriller under snow back drop of Kullumanali. We just took 26 days to complete the shooting of movie.It was happened only because of the support form producers and co-operation from artists and technicians. I hope everyone will encourage this experiment".
All others participated in this event were expressed there happiness and wished for the success.
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