Dr. Rajasekhar’s new movie 'Monarch' was Launched formally in Hyderabad yesterday on behalf of his birthday. Monarch is directed by Amma Rajashekar and D.Sinayya and Murali Srinivas are jiontly producing this movie on Sai Raghavendra films banner.
Regarding this movie makers arranged a press meet where Monarch unit members and celebrities were present like Rajasekhar, Jeevitha, C.Kalyan, Amma Rajashekar, D.Sinayya and Murali Srinivas. Speaking on this occasion hero Rajashekar said that "This is an out and out comedy entertainer. Amma Rajashekar took 5 years to prepare this script and I am very excited to work in this project."
Regular shoot of the movie will commence from March first week. For this movie Marudhuri Raja penning the dialogues and Manisharma is the music director. Editing is by Goutam Raju. Heroine and other cast would be announced later.
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