Till now, ‘Robot’ of Rajinikanth is rated as the highest ever budgeted flick in South India or few may call it even on Indian screen. Though unofficial, it is almost confirmed that Universal Star Kamal Hasan and Hollywood Star jackie chan are to join hands working together for a multi-lingual project to be produced by Ascar Ravichandran of Ascar films.
Here is the latest buzz. As soon as Kamal completes shooting of his new film ‘Vishwaroopam’ currently on sets, he will jump
on to Ascar Films venture. Remuneration which jackie chan is offered for working on this tentatively titled ‘Thalaivan Irukkindraan’ is something around Rs.40 Crores and total budget of the film is Rs.200 Crores which Kamal himself will be directing. Movie will be released in Tamil, English, Telugu and other European languages.
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