It appears the film ‘Anarkali’ launched in a grand style behind the Prasad Recording studio has been called off. From last six months director of the film Sadhu Kokila is not speaking anything about the film.
In the meantime the film launched a year ago changed actor Diganth who took part in the muhurut. Srinagara Kitty name has been announced in place of Diganth. Actress Pragna learnt Russian ballet especially for this film and her task is going waste now. After a few days of shoot
producer of the film was unhappy with the developments. Director Sadhu Kokila has announced that he would not direct the film in case producer insists Pragna has to be changed in the cast.
The multifaceted director, actor, music director and producer Sadhu Kokila convinced Pragna for an item song in ‘90’ Kannada cinema telling her that she is the next heroine of his film ‘Anarkali’.
In the nexus between producer and director it is actress Pragna who is finding difficult.
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