Bollywood’s cute couple Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza recently took their eight year old relationship leagues ahead when they walked down the aisle and took the marital vows. Despite of the high profile wedding and the buzz around it the couple immediately got back to work and their commitments. The world witnessed how the newly wed Riteish Deshmukh played for his team in the ongoing ‘Celebrity Cricket League’ while his bride Genelia cheered him in the dug out area.
But we couldn’t help but notice that despite of being casually dressed, Genelia sported all the traditional jewelry that any Maharashtraian bride is expected to. Not only then but whenever she steps out these days the traditional jewels are seen gracing her beauty at all occasions. From the typical green glass bangles to toe rings, Genelia despite of being a Christian by birth is following all the traditional Marathi rituals for her in-laws and Riteish of course!!!
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