The fleshy fair skinned beauty Arthi Agarwal was once the most sought after heroine who paired up with the likes of Venkatesh, Chiranjeevi and Nandamuri Balakrishna. Sometime back, she was a struggling actress making ends meet by doing B-banner movies.Not stopping at that point, she also made news for her other activities like spending hot nights in Novatel hotel doing mysterious acts than films. As per the sources from Novatel , Arthi is a chain smoker and without drinking she cant survive a single day.After making all this hungama,it was quite a while since she made headlines. But again, she seems
to have hit the spotlight for some strange and weird reason again.This time the fleshy beauty is seen promoting the famous sex tablets Viagra in midnight TV shows. It is really shocking for many people to see a heroine who once acted with all big heroes and stood in the top list indulging in such cheap activities for money. Sad but true!!
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