Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently gearing up with upcoming his spy thriller 'Agent Vinod'. The 41-year-old actor is determined to promote his upcoming production venture in which he is featured along with his steady lady love Kareena Kapoor. Apparently, the Bollywood actor in his recent interview with a leading daily admitted that he won't let anything affect the promotional activities of his most ambitious flick 'Agent Vinod'. Saif stated this
in order to crop out the rumors of finalizing the D- day or engagement day of the couple.
Speculations were rife that Saifeena had earlier planned for an engagement ceremony on 10 February along with Bebo's upcoming film's release 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu'. However, Chotte Nawab has now turned down all the rumors and has confirmed that the neither the couple nor their families have zeroed any dates for engagement or marriage.
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