Reportedly, B-town couple actors Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's three months-old daughter, Beti B's pictures have been released. Several social networking websites are displaying a snap of former Miss World Ash overlapping her daughter dressed in yellow outfit. Rumors are doing round that the snap is original one, while many of the 38-year-old actor's fans are claiming that the picture is fake.
Though, none of them among Bachchan's family has come forward to give a
clarification on the picture yet. Earlier, many snaps of Ash with her tiny tot made rounds on the web. However, veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan always came forward denying that the pictures that went viral on websites are morphed and not the original ones.
However, many of the fans are claiming that the picture is not of Ash and her daughter reasoning that the baby in the picture seems to be of 5 to 6 months old while Beti B is merely 3-months-old.
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