Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor who sizzled to chartbusters songs like 'Chammak Challo' and popular South tracks 'Kolaveri Di' and 'Ringa Ringa' in the recent award functions admitted to a leading daily that she dances for fun and to make money. Meanwhile, the 29-year-old also added saying that she would never dance in wedding functions. Bebo regards dance as her passion and in her free time often practices dancing.
Bebo was the first actor who attempted to groove to the Tanglish lyrics of Dhanush's song 'Kolaveri di'. When asked about whether she would dance to item numbers as they becoming the latest trend now, the actor retorted saying that she would surely consider one in near future. Meanwhile, Bebo has also performed to a classical dance form Mujra in her forthcoming flick 'Agent Vinod'.
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