Much has been said and heard about the spat between Shirish Kunder and Shah Rukh Khan that irked the former’s wife and latter friend-turned-foe Farah Khan. Since the day of the incidence Shirish and Farah both have been quite vocal about their feelings against SRK’s unruly behaviour. However they reportedly patched up and mended all the differences when they met at SRK’s residence recently. Shirish recently exclaimed that the matter has been sorted and all was well between the two clans. Nonetheless his wife Farah it seems hasn’t got over the issue. She claims that she is deeply hurt by her once friend SRK’s behaviuor and has decided to cut off her ties.
“Things have gone too far this time. I’ve had enough of Shah Rukh Khan and his lies. There is something fundamentally wrong with him to resort to physical violence” said Farah. On the other side SRK remained at his diplomatic best and shunned the offer to reveal about the fight and the patch up as well. “Did I tell you that there was a fight….No...So I will not tell anything about the patch up as well” said SRK at the sangeet ceremony of Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D'Souza.
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