Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan who was arrested after punching a fellow diner at Mumbai's luxury restaurant has been released on bail. The 41-year-old actor has now come forward to explain his side of the story. Saif was apparently dining with his lady love Kareena Kapoor and fellow mates Arbaaz Khan, Amrita Arora and Shakeel Ladakh. In his press release statement, Saif was quoted saying that South African businessmen Iqbal Sharma initially assaulted him and his friends. The incident provoked Saif because of which the 'Race' actor lost his patience and punched Sharma for his defense.
Saif in his statement has also added that the actor being a responsible citizen reported to police station and completed all the legal formalities. Meanwhile, Saif is optimistic that he would get justice and has requested media to remain impartial on the issue.
According to the police, Saif’s table was making a lot of noise and so Sharma, his fellow diner requested them to be a little quite. This led to an argument and subsequently Saif bashing up Sharma who fractured his nose.
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