Even though yesteryear actor Amitabh Bachchan has shown signs of recovery, the doctors of Mumbai's Seven Hills Hospital where the megastar has been admitted reveal that he might not be discharged soon as he has not yet recovered entirely.
Sr. Bachchan was admitted in the hospital on 11 February, the same day when he underwent a minor stomach surgery reasoning abdominal pain. The megastar has earlier undergone two surgeries for similar problem but never found a permanent solution to his injury.
'Looks like a few more days then before they set me free .. but recovery at home will be another few months', updating about his health posted Sr. Bachchan on micro-blogging site, Twitter.
The yesteryear actor was also supposed to undergo another surgery as the 69-year-old revealed that he is experiencing fresh pain post his last surgery. However, the surgery was later cancelled.
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