Even after undergoing stomach surgery reasoning abdominal pain, veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan is still suffering from acute pain. This time the actor is now claiming that he has discovered fresh pain. The 69-year-old who was admitted at Mumbai's Seven Hills Hospital was initially hinted to have just a minor operation, but he apparently ended in having two. Later, next day Big B got a sigh of relief and felt bit relaxed but again after few moments Big B tweeted that he still is undergoing major pain.
'Soon afterwards though, the additional pain that has developed in the abdomen, apart from the surgical, kept doctors busy and going into a huddle. Whenever they do that, I always surmise there is something more than normal in the patient.
Heavy dosages of even more antibiotics were pumped in, and to facilitate this operation they had to wheel me into the OT again to put a `central line`, through an incision on the neck', posted Big B on his blog. However, now doctors are suggesting the yesteryear actor to undergo another surgery.
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