Bollywood actor Chitrangada Singh seems quite confident and optimistic about her item number in Shirish Kunder's forthcoming flick 'Joker'. The item number that is titled as 'Kaafirana' is a raunchy item number choreographed by Farah Khan. The 'Yeh Saali Zindagi' actor claims that she has put her best foot forward for Kunder's sci-fi film's item song.
The actor who was last seen in Rohit Dhawan's 'Desi Boyz' has sizzled in Maharashtrian style form of dancing popularly called as 'Lavni' for the song. Meanwhile, Chitrangada was quizzed whether how would she tackle the comparisons of her song with other popular chartbusters item songs like 'Chikni Chameli' and 'Munni', the actor reluctantly replied saying that she has danced in such a way that even her song will join the league of these chartbusters once it hits the screens.
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