Actress Surabhi joined the cinema field a few years ago. She gave a striking performance with Pankaj Narayan in ‘Dushta’ Kannada cinema.
She is now selected as heroine for ‘Field’ Kannada cinema. Lokave Helidha Mathidu and Mavalli Kannada films hero Raviteja is the counterpart to Surabhi.
The word ‘Field’ is attributed to underworld. One who comes to field of underworld it is difficult to get of it. There is underworld touch in this film ‘Field’ disclose Suri who is basically a choreographer of 70 plus Kannada films.
‘Field’ has the caption of Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. It is not made in all the mentioned languages but it is tricky part you would know when you watch the film says Suri.
Meantime there are two Suri’s already in Kannada cinema. One is Dhuniya Soori who is now directing ‘Anna Bond’ and Dr Soori who is the debutant director of ‘Lucky’ Kannada cinema.
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