Crisis gripped Kollywood as the two-week long stand-off between the Film Employees Federation of South India (FEFSI) and the Tamil Film Producers Council over wage revision, deepened yesterday with members of the former staging a day-long fast seeking the intervention of Tamilnadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa. Buzz is that talks would be held later today in front of officials of Labour department to sort out the issue.
Film shooting had been crippled for the last 15 days after a new wage proposal mooted
by the FEFSI was turned down by the Council, leading to the standoff.
The Film Producers Council had convened an emergency meeting and refused to accept FEFSI's unilateral proposal.
It also announced severing of its ties with FEFSI while allowing a free hand to film producers to make their own arrangements in hiring staff while asking them not to engage those owing allegiance to FEFSI.
This led to a crisis in the Kollywood and shooting of several films, which had hit the floors, including films of leading stars, were grounded resulting in loss of several crores of rupees.
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