Off-beat film actor Irrfan Khan who enjoys experimenting various roles does not believes in promotions. The actor who has never earlier promoted any of his films feels that promotions never guarantee a film's success, at the end of the day it is the content of the film what matters. The actor feels that audience can very well decide which movie is worth watching. The 49-year-old actor is now gearing up with his next release 'Paan Singh Tomar' based on
real life story of a runner turned dacoit.
Irrfan has worked hard on the film as he even had a personal interaction with few dacoits of Chambal. The actor had also held a special screening of his film for dacoits so that they could help him in giving inputs towards his character. UTV Motion Pictures’ 'Paan Singh Tomar' is a directorial venture of Tigmanshu Dhulia set to release by March 2.
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