Bollywood couple Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan who recently turned proud parents of a baby girl are in no mood to reveal their little angel's name. Meanwhile, the nation addresses the new born kid as Beti B. Apparently; Ash had never indulged into media interaction post her delivery, whereas her hubby Abhishek had always remained outspoken about his 3-months-old daughter's traits. Abhi is all praises for her little daughter but has reserved the name of the new addition to the Bachchan family.
Even, Grandpa Amitabh Bachchan has given several interviews but hardly hinted his grand daughter's name. Earlier Abhishek had hinted that his daughter's name would have initials as 'AA', and apparently double 'A' alphabet marks couple Ash and Abhi's initial letters. Bachchan clan was earlier approached by several magazines to reveal Beti B's snaps; however none of them revealed a single picture of the star kid.
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