Power Star Pawan Kalyan's three projects have been confirmed after his 'Gabbar Singh's' release. Pawan-Puri combo will be started immediately after the release of 'Gabbar Singh' on 27th April. D.V.V.Danayya will be producing this movie under the banner Universal Media. This movie is expected to release for this year's Dasara.
As per the latest reports, it is learnt that Reliance Entertainments tie up with B.V.S.N. Prasad and is going to do their first venture with Pawan Kalyan as hero. This movie will be directed by Raju Sundaram. This movie will be started only after the release of Pawan-Puri film. Later, Pawan Kalyan will work with Trivikram and this movie will be produced by Sanghamitra Arts banner. The title of this movie is being considered as 'Saradaa'.
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