It was a rejoicing moment for Kannada producer B Vijayakumar of ‘Lion Jagapathi Rao’ and ‘Simhadriya Simha’. As chairman of Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation he held a mammoth function on Monday night to unveil the 2012 calendar in which seven Kannada artists and five models - Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana, Sumalatha Ambarish, Rakshita Prem, Thara Venu, Meena (South Indian actress), Meghana Raj (daughter of star couple Dr Sunder Raj and Pramila Joshai), Soundarya (daughter of Dr Jayamala) Sruthi Gowda, Sanjitha Shetty, Supriya and Megha appear.
Sporting the expensive Saree produced by KSIC the world famous in silk sarees the well shot photos of artists appear in every month. For January 2013 Soundaraya Jayamala photo appears again after January 2012 month sheet.
Formed by Sri Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar and Diwan of Mysore Sir M Visveswraya – KSIC as part of the 100 years in existence released the Calendar 2012 in the presence of Karnataka Silk and Labor minister Bache Gowda with cabinet colleagues Excise Minister Renukacharya, Medical education Minister Ramdas unveiled the calendar after the welcome speech by Ramachandra IAS of KSIC.
All hailed the attempt of giving wonderful publicity to already famous KSIC by Vijayakumar. My ministry does not need any publicity stated the Excise Minister Renukacharya. Even the Saree wearing can give a ‘kick’ to men and the actual size of the female is known only when Mysore Silk Saree is worn informed actress Thara.
Come April or May Vijayakumar.B Chairman of KSIC wants to celebrate the 100 years with 100 years of Mysore Palace in Mysore in a grand style. He wants the budget allocation. As a producer of Kannada cinema I could make 100 days function but not 100 years function. One such opportunity has come to me in this regime. He thanked the artists who have not taken remuneration for this heritage event of KSIC.
The medical education minister Ramdas urged for the Kannada cinema industry to take part in eradicating the HIV AIDS especially among the children. The legislators are adopting 5000 such children. You please come forward to make Karnataka AIDS fee state.
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