Speculations went rife that Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan would be co-directing the third installment of his blockbuster hit flick ‘Krrish’ along with his father, actor turned filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, but Duggu has shunned these reports. Hrithik asserts that he would lead as protagonist in upcoming film and will not direct it.
The green-eyed actor is working hard for the film. Despite, his slipped disc injury he managed to shoot for his sci-fi superhero
film. The other star casts of the film include Priyanka Chopra, Vivek Oberoi and Kangna Ranaut.
Hrithik’s last release ‘Agneepath’ has already got thumbs up from the audiences as well as critics. Hrithik stepped into the shoes of megastar Amitabh Bachchan for his upcoming flick ‘Agneepath’ which was a classic hit film of 1990 titled of same. The film also featured Priyanka Chopra, Sanjay Dutt and Rishi Kapoor.
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