I have special affiliation to Dakshin Kannada district and that has made me to come for this audio release function stated the ace director Nagathihalli Chandrasekhar releasing the audio of ‘Bannada Kode’. Making a children film is not a child play stated Nagathihalli on knowing the contents of the film. The national High Jump champion Rohitkumar Kateel was lauded by the director for entering the Kannada cinema.
Gurukiran also hailing from Dakshin Kannada congratulated the director Krishna
for introducing ‘Star Singers’ for his film songs. I wanted to do it first but before that the budding singers have been give opportunity is a welcome step he stated.
Krishna Belthangadi hails from Dakshin Kannada is the director of ‘Bannada Kode’ that has been cleared by the censor in the general category. This is a film made by all friends. In 40 days schedule Rohith Kumar Kateel has taken part in 15 days shoot.
A few pegs often helped me to do the role in this film mentioned actor Yathiraj. Naveel of Mumbai has composed the songs for this film ‘Bannada Kode’. Lahari Recording Company Velu in his address wished all producers to make good money in the year 2012.
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