Model turned actor Anushka Sharma who was launched by Bollywood biggies Yash Chopra and Aditya Chopra is now all set to work with another big filmmaker Vishal Bharadwaj. Apparently, Anushka has bagged a role in Vishal Bharadwaj`s upcoming flick ‘Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola’ along with actors Imran Khan, Shabana Azmi and Pankaj Kapur.
The 23-year-old actor asserted that her upcoming flick is supposed to be high on
entertainment level and would be a dark comedy. Another most exciting reason which the leggie lass finds interesting about her upcoming movie is that she is for the first time paired up with actor Imran Khan. However, on top of it one fact she loves more about the film is that she would be working with Vishal Bharadwaj as she treats him as one of the finest filmmaker in B-town.
The ‘Band Bajaa Baraat’ star is sounding confident and optimistic about her upcoming film’s success as has engraved trust upon the ‘Kaminey’ filmmaker. The film would hit the theatres by year end.
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