Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra who kept herself busy with promotions of Farhan Akhtar’s ‘Don 2’, Karan Johar’s ‘Agneepath’ and shooting of her forthcoming flicks that is Kunal Kohli’s ‘Teri Meri Kahaani’ and Anurag Basu ‘Barfee’ is now planning to maintain a low and relatively free schedule.
The ‘Fashion’ actor would now start shooting for her forthcoming flick, Hrithik Roshan’s ‘Krrish 3’. Priyanka admitted that she is much happy now as she has completed all her prior commitments and can now breathe a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Priyanka also stated that from now onwards she won’t sign chunk of movies simultaneously as she has already done it before which has resulted in her poor health. Priyanka also apologized to her filmmakers especially Anurag Basu who suffered a delay in his film ‘Barfee’ due to Priyanka’s ill health.
Priyanka is now in no hurry to sign further films. Currently, she is only working with Hrithik Roshan for ‘Krrish3’. The 29-year-old recently tasted success with her last release ‘Agneepath’ which apparently also became first blockbuster hit of 2012.
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