Bollywood actor Ameesha Patel in her recent media interaction at Chevrolet’s Apsara Awards divulged into details of her upcoming films. Ameesha is busy with her own production house Patel Productions which she started off with rumored flame Kunal Goomer. Ameesha would be releasing two films from her production house one with David Dhawan and other with Priyadarshan. Meanwhile, she is also busy with upcoming flick ‘Bhaiyyaji Superhit’ in which she is paired up
opposite Sunny Deol after a gap of about 11 years. The duo starred together in ‘Gadar -Ek Prem Katha’ in 2001 which turned out to be the biggest blockbuster hit of Ameesha’s career.
Ameesha stated that her chemistry with Sunny in their forthcoming flick would be more unique than their earlier flick as the upcoming flick would be comedy. Ameesha’s next films lined up for release are Abbas-Mustan thriller ‘Race 2’ and ‘Shortcut Romeo’ in which she is paired opposite Neil Nitin Mukesh. Ameesha is very much excited for ‘Shortcut Romeo’ as she is donning grey shades for the film.
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