Bollywood actor, Abhishek Bachchan is eagerly awaiting his next release, 'Players'. The 'Raavan' actor is busy promoting Abbas-Mustan's action thriller which is scheduled to release on the 6th of January. Abhishek in his recent media interaction during his promotion, was asked about his views on how social networking sites help in film promotions, to which the actor stated that social networking sites are becoming a high-flying platform for actors and
filmmakers for promoting their films, but the actor is not in favor of using it for his upcoming film's promotion.
The 35-year-old actor believes that social networking sites serves as a podium to interact with each other, and so he doesn't feel well to promote films on such sites. 'Players' also stars Sonam Kapoor, Bipasha Basu, Bobby Deol and Neil Nitin Mukesh.
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