Victory Venkatesh’s upcoming movie Bodyguard is all set for the audio launch. The event will be held at Shilpakala Vedika, Hyderabad. The makers of the film are also making arrangements to organise the function in grand scale to mark the 25 years completion of Venkatesh in this regard. They have roped in several actresses to dance for the tunes of Venkatesh’s previous films.
Venkatesh is looking at his powerful best in the trailer of the film.
His entrance from the Scorpio reminds us the introduction scene from Lakshmi movie. We came to know that the movie will be a mix of Lakshmi and Malleswari if we consider Venky’s performance. The film is being directed by Gopichand Malineni and produced by Bellamkonda Suresh.
Trisha is being paired opposite Venkatesh for the third time in this film. Saloni is playing an important role. Thaman has scored music for this romantic action entertainer.
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