The Telugu and Tamil super hit film ‘Kanchana’ will be appearing as ‘Kalpana’ is old news now. What is new is that actress Lakshmi Rai is repeated in Kannada version with super star Upendra in the film. The similar crown of hat trick was for dumb actress Abhinaya. In ‘Nadodigal, Shambo Shankara’ Tamil and Telugu films Abhinaya played the similar roles of sister to the protagonist. Now Lakshmi Rai is in such similar crown in her professional life.
This is not the first time Lakshmi Rai appearing in Kannada. She made debut in ‘Sriram’ of Shivaraj Kumar in the direction of MS Ramesh. A Belgaum belle Lakshmi Rai found good going in other south Indian languages and het attempt to go to Bollywood could not succeed.
Lakshmi Rai acted in ‘Minchina Ota’ with siblings Vijaya Raghavendra and Srimurali of Sa Ra Govindu production and in 'Snehana Prithina' with Darshan and Aditya.
In ‘Kalpana’ (Kannada cinema famous actress of yesteryears – known as Minugu Thare, tragedy queen) Saikumar is playing an important role. The role of ‘Mangala Mukhi’ is repeated in this Kannada version. Priya is acting in Kannada version too.
Ramnarayan the famous South Indian languages director and producer is saying action and cut for his 125th film. The last Kannada film he directed and produced was ‘Bombaat Car’.
Shruthi, Umasri, Sadhu Kokila, Shobaraj, Achyuth Rao are also in the cast. The film ‘Kalpana’ is going on the floor on 14th of December. Raghav Lawrence is coming to the muhurut of this film.
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