Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan who is all set to deliver his much anticipated second blockbuster of the year, ‘Don 2’ is not at all fearing the competition he will be facing from Hollywood film, Tom Cruise starrer ‘Mission Impossible-4 Ghost Protocol’ which will be hitting the theatres on 16 December.
This Hollywood flick is much hyped and highly promoted by the lead actors Tom Cruise, Paula Patton and Bollywood actor, Anil Kapoor in India as well as overseas.
Both films have big names attached to them like Tom Cruise and Shah Rukh Khan. Both the films are highly anticipated, much awaited by the audience and the most common similarity is that both the films are spy thrillers sequels. Well it is too early to judge which will be the best but we wish both the films to do well in the Box Office. Shahrukh’s ‘Don 2’ will hit the theatres by 23 December.
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