Actress Sneha who is set to tie the knot with her long term boy friend Prasanna in early next year has bagged a big project. The buzz is that the actress has bagged the sister role in Rajinikanth’s new film Kochadayas. The film is being directed by Rajinikanth’s daughter Soundarya Ashwin. AR Rahman is scoring music for this film. Incidentally, Rajini’s last film Robo music is also composed by Rahman and both the movie and audio became super hit.
Director KS Ravi Kumar is penning the script for this film. The doctors suggested Rajini to stay away from high voltage action episodes for sometime till February and hence, the plans of making Rana got shelved.
This film offers a family drama on the lines of Chandramukhi. The film will hit the floors soon. Meanwhile, the actor is recuperating from illness and we heard that he is doing well now. The actor resumed his routine chores and often working out as per doctor’s advice. Let’s hope this film too creates magic at box-office like any other Rajini’s films.
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