Bollywood actor Sameera Reddy with her director Nagesh Kukunoor unveiled the first look of their forthcoming film, ‘Yeh Hausla’. Director Nagesh Kukunoor launched his first look of the movie along with the Women Leaders in India’s 3rd Edition Awards. The awards were honored to women who have contributed in various fields.
Sameera, who plays a village girl in her upcoming film feels that audience will love her new look. She admitted that the ‘Musafir’ actor had earlier
done glamorous roles in her movies like ‘De Dana Dan’ and ‘Race’ but in ‘Yeh Hausla’ she has done an absolute make-over. She has sported a ‘Chunari’ on her head for the entire movie, which was much difficult for the actor as she has not been used to it. Sameera essays a role of Dalit grass cutter. The film also stars Veteran actors Tanvi Azmi and Tanuja.
Sameera feels privileged to work with the ‘My Brother Nikhil’ film maker as she had loved his earlier works especially ‘Dor’. ‘Yeh Hausla’ will hit the theatres by next year.
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