Abhay Deol and Genelia D’souza starrer ‘Rock the Shaadi’ has hit a major roadblock as the film’s director Navdeep Singh had a heated argument with an eminent production house member. This has led to fallout between Navdeep Singh and the talked about production house member Niraj Shanghai who is also the head of the VFX team. The argument escalated to such an extent that the two are not ready to work together and this has left the producers of Balaji and iRock in a dilemma.
The two houses are co-producing the film and are currently going bonkers in handling the uninvited issue that has raised its ugly head at the ninth hour. The film’s shooting began in last month and the crew has yet only completed the first schedule and the second schedule was all set to roll in January 2012. However until the issue between the director and the VFX head isn’t sorted the shooting of the film can’t be resumed smoothly.
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